We see unlimited potential in blockchain technology and the ecosystem it powers. By discerning which areas need growth, we advance the frontiers on what matters most to the community.
We dream of an enriched and truly sustainable crypto ecosystem, open to all. As infrastructure builders, our job is to build with an eye to inclusion and transparency, always.
We see long, which means that what we build is designed to last. Expertise you can trust, values you can share, craft you can feel.


- Samsung Electronics
- Ethereum 2.0 Contributor
- Blockchain Tech Blogger
- Korea Ethereum Research Group
- Inha University (M.S.)

- Samsung Techwin
- Naver
- Korea Ethereum Research Group
- Seoul National University

- Korea Open SW Lab
- SW Maestro, Mentor
- Korea Ethereum Research Group
- Sencha Expert/Organizer

- Kakao Corp’s Ground X
- Samsung Research
- Ethereum Contributor
- .NET Core Contributor
- Seoul National University (Ph.D.)

- Head of Bithumb Economic Research Institute
- Deputy Director at Financial Services Commission
- Member of Busan Blockchain Regulation-free Zone Steering Committee
- UC San Diego International Affairs (MIA)
- Yonsei University Economics (BA)

- 코빗 CSO
- 삼성전자 감사팀 경영진단그룹
- 삼성전자 무선사업부
- 롯데 미래전략센터
- 로레알 코리아
- 연세대학교 경영학과

- 빗썸코리아(Bithumb Korea)
- 예금보험공사
- 금융위원회 규제샌드박스 혁신전문위원
- 중소벤처기업부 창업규제혁신단
- 한국 변호사

- Samsung Electronics
- Agency for Defense Development
- MediaTek
- Korea Polytechnic University

Information Security
- Wadiz
- Dongguk University(M.S)

- Digital Idea
- Ino-on. Inc.
- Sookmyung Women's University

- Founder, CEO, Const corp. (Clink)
- Researcher, Decipher
- Kookmin University

- Wadiz Finance
- SK Securities

All That Node
- Decipher
- Sungkyunkwan University (M.S)